lunedì 5 dicembre 2011

Good entrepreneurs are easy to find

Next post Thursday December 8th

Here a sample of Italian entrepreneur who is truly focused on developing his company business through a solid strategy looking export-ward.
His story is told in this article  which enhance the capability of Interpump, this is the name of the company, to look forward, planning a worldwide strategy to overcome the risks of economy crisis which are never so global to end up with a complete stop.
Being able to diversify both geographically than for different market segment this company was able to reach this targets (first 9 months of 2011 vs same period 2010):
+ 52,7% of net profit
+ 18,9% net sales up to 353 millions €
+ 32% of EBIDTA
and a ROI for the shareholders very close to 10% every year since 1996 when the company was founded.
How can you spot this kind of entrepreneurs in the Italian market?
Do not look at their website: this is not an index. My experience is that Italian Industries are not yet in love with the net, they are discovering what it is but cannot handle in the proper way. Very often they mistake a website for a shop window and use it to talk about them. But you can guess from the information they publish here if they are smartly facing the market or just fighting to survive.
Let me name a couple of other examples of excellent Italian group that deserve the spotlights:
Trevi group, working in the field of foundation engineering, and Flamespray (coating of critical components in air frame applications) who were able to settle subsidiaries in the US and increase widely their marketshare and penetration.
Take a look or the widespread of their clients and their reach and you can get a nice insight of their possibilities.
What else would you like to know to check they are a good client? 

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