giovedì 2 febbraio 2012

Find your Italian Partner

Next post Monday Feb 6th

Find your Italian partner. Or client. Not so easy.
The Italian government try to ease the process with a new web portal aimed to develop the Made in Italy industry.
You can find there a sort of mall where you can buy directly from the producers and a directory of company looking for foreigner partners, whatever this mean.
This is not the only web page that works on connecting Italian companies with potential suppliers. H2BIZ is working in the same direction opening a Mediterranean hub to ease partnership and sales between companies  based in Souther Europe, North Africa and Middle East.
It could be a good way to set the stage, to understand what’s going on and what you can find. It could be a way of conducting a market research to have a clear picture of the local situation.
Which other way do you know and what to share to find out potential clients and partners in Italy?

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